The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37437   Message #2482892
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
02-Nov-08 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Y Mochyn Du / Old Black Pig (Welsh)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Y Mochyn Du / Old Black Pig (Welsh)
There is actually a website devoted to Wenglish, but whoever put it up hasn't included any content yet, so it's a fairly pointless exercise. Perhaps at some point it will be of some use, though; it is at

More useful is, which, though not well designed, does contain a glossary which can be accessed via the alphabetical 'buttons' at the top of the main page. It mentions two books which you might perhaps find helpful: Talk Tidy and More Talk Tidy, by John Edwards, who reckons to have coined the term 'Wenglish'.