The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22735   Message #248313
Posted By: katlaughing
28-Jun-00 - 12:12 AM
While I love to see these discussions on here, it bothers me that there seems to be an assumption that we may desire an apology or even see the need for one. I do not believe Praise meant it as proselytising, but that is a bit of what it feels like. That is just my opinion and I am not in anyway saying it shouldn't be on here.

Also, while I know that Praise is not espousing empty rhetoric, cynicism does rear its head when one hears of these kinds of beating of breasts, esp. in light of the Pope's apology this past year. Sure, he apologised, but did he do anything to stop the hatred, bigotry, and oppression of women, homosexuals, etc? Did he tell parents of gay men who've been ostracised by them and the Church to open their hearts and homes to their children? Did he tell 3rd world women to use more reliable birth control to save themselves and their families from starvation? Too many times, it is the women first who are controlled and directed by religion, even as the extremists of Islam are doing in the Middle East. So, I am cynical about such things in general but not on an individual basis.

I recognise that I have a high degree of cynicism when it comes to religion, esp. Christianity, even though my sister is a minister of a metaphysical Christian church and a great many of my dear friends are Christian.

It is understandable that now, in the past few decades when the real horrors that have been and, in some cases still are being perpetrated in the name of Christ, are being exposed and told, non-Falwell Christians are hyper-sensitive to criticism. I see some of the Falwell/Robertson type rhetoric as the death throes of the Piscean Age, which was meant to be very patriarchal. In the Aquarian Age, we are meant to come to a balancing in the world so that there is equality and cooperation between all peoples, no matter their gender, IMO.

In American, especially, I would say to you, my Mudcat friends who are Christians...if Falwell and Robertson and their ilk do not represent your type of Christianity, then please speak up, vote, get everyone you know to vote, take back your religion from the zealots and bigots and get them out of politics.

