The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2483173
Posted By: TheSnail
03-Nov-08 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
Jim Carroll

If you have written into your policy that the criterion for being allowed to sing is wanting to do so - yes, you are, if not championing, then certainly promoting bad singing.

There is nothing that explicit, I think it is probably just taken as read. There is certainly nothing that says that floor singers must come up to some specified standard before being allowed to perform. The interpretation of this as championing or promoting bad singing is yours and yours alone based on a complete failure to understand how we operate. It is grossly offensive.

I could also do without lines like "It seems a totally lemming-like bloody-mindedness to me."

If you can demonstrate that you are capable of being civil and are prepared to make an effort to understand points of view that differ from your own, then I am prepared to engage in debate with you. If not,I have better things to do.