The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22735   Message #248335
Posted By: Bill D
28-Jun-00 - 12:50 AM
Jon, I guess my point is, I do have a set of 'beliefs' of sorts, but I don't go 'round knocking on the doors of Jehovah's Witnesses trying to make them see the error of their ways.(I also get Mormons here, being right near the temple....)....

The thing about religion is, one says "I believe in so & so" with 'believe', not 'know', being the operative word. Therefore, if 4,987,521,614 people believe one way, and one person believes another, he could be the one who is right...or both could be wrong! But it WOULD be wrong for the 4,987,521,614 to nag the one guy to change his mind, or expect him to bow his head for their prayers. In some things majority does NOT rule --nor might make right.

I have seen some VERY strange religious beliefs** in my time, but nothing I say is likely to change their minds, so why bother? If asked directly, I will tell you my views of the "meaning of life", and we may even have a nice discussion, but I will seldom bring up the subject, as it only leads to threads such as this...*sigh*

**(the lady who was sort of cross between a Jain and a Buddist, and would not squash a bug for fear of MUCH she threw them out in the snow, saying "what God does with them out there is none of my business)