The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2483602
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Nov-08 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
"what would your response be bearing in mind the comments you've been posting regarding standards?"
I can't recall anyone ever ringing me up in advance requesting a singing spot - In the unlikely case of it happening I would invite them along to the club and they would be given a chance to sing, as they would if they just turned up - there's never been any question of that as far as I'm concerned.
If they could hold a tune and make sense of the song they would be included fully in the proceedings - if they couldn't, they weren't, simple as that.
If the latter was the case one of us would approach whoever it was, sound them out and, if they showed any interest, they would be offered assistance, either on an individual basis or through the numerous workshops I have been involved in.
If they turned down the offer of help and continued to turn up, my own inclination would be not to invite them to sing again right away, but wait a few weeks and let them try again (and so ad infinitum, until they either showed progress or stopped asking).
What would you do in the circumstances I outlined originally (which was not a hypothetical case but an actual occurrence) and which has been distorted beyond all recognition in the ensuing discussion? - so I'll repeat it:
"When I was involved with The Singers Club we were regularly visited by a young woman who was totally incapable of producing two notes which related to each other. She invariably asked to sing and was allocated one song (not by me).
Over the year she attended she never improved; she was invited to attend our singing workshop but felt she didn't need it.
After a year the audience committee received a letter of protest from her and her friend complaining that she was only allowed one song."
"If you can demonstrate that you are capable of being civil........"
It was never my intention to deliberately insult you or anybody on this thread, any more than I am sure it was never your intention to deliberately distort my argument by suggesting that I was proposing 'auditions' at clubs.
These subjects tend to become rather heated (on all sides) and, while I am not happy with some of the slagging-off that takes place, I take heart from the fact that people feel strongly enough about the music to be passionate about it.
"and are prepared to make an effort to understand points of view that differ from your own,"
Isn't it a little presumptuous to assume that, because I have not come around to your point of view, I don't understand it - I assure you, I do - I just don't accept it.
Jim Carroll