The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115010   Message #2483747
Posted By: ClaireBear
03-Nov-08 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Silly Secret Santee teaser 2008
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Secret Santee teaser 2008
Dear Santa,

You are so sweet to be concerned. Be reassured: I am hardly ever offended. And for the record, I am a church-going, ritual-attending Episcopagan (half Anglican Communion, half daughter of the earth). I sing in the choir at church, and I participate in pagan events too. I don't often work with a group to create pagan rituals these days, but only because my beloved priestess/leader is largely inactive herself.

While I identify myself as both, you may consider me a Christmas keeper. If you'll look at last year's hints, you'll find the story of how I love the spiritual elements of Christmas and live with someone who prefers not to acknowledge it and won't celebrate it, so I'm ridiculously grateful for any Christmas-related cheer that comes my way.

I hope that helps, Santa!
