The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114174   Message #2483781
Posted By: Barry Finn
03-Nov-08 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Notes on the Presidential Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Notes on the Presidential Campaign
Your copy/paste about fears of an overwhelming Democrate government are what we had to deal with for the past 8 yrs of Republician majority rule & they really fucked it up, royally. A House & Senate & an administration (& an SS Court) that saw fit to fight the American people tooth & nail while fighting the world to boot. They trashed civil & human rights at home & abroad, started 2 wars, caused a world economic bankruptcy, divided not just a nation but pit a world against it's self, tried to justifiy the destruction of the earth's enviorment for profit, put faith before future, crippled our educational & health care systems instead of improving them, tried to rape our Social Security system (imagine where it would've been if they succeeded?) stole our civil liberties that were granted us as citizens when this nation was first founded & were part of the reason this nation was founded. We, the American people have indured the without revolt what no other nation would suffer & this election is our revolt against all the injustices that have been heaped upon US for the past 8 yrs. Tomorrow is the people's day & they will reign rightous, have no fear, it'll be a celerbration to remember.
