The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22735   Message #248387
Posted By: Bagpuss
28-Jun-00 - 07:13 AM
We only see what we expect to see. Moonchild saw a post about Christianity, and therefore it must be patronising and pros (that other word that i forget how to spell) - because that seems to be her view of christianity.

Praise seemed well intentioned to me, but maybe thats because I am christian (of a sort).

I don't shove my religion down anyone's throat, and I believe in everyones right to have their own beliefs. In fact I believe that most religions are different reflections and manifestations of one god. The differences are, to me, in emphasis, and of course, the bits us humans have ballsed up in different ways.

It may be a funny perspective, but I don't believe in anything because Jesus said it. I believe in it because it seems right to me - and that is why Jesus said it. That way I don't fall into the trap of dogmatic beliefs, and believing in something just cos the pope or whoever said so.

Anyway, I also post in a movie discussion site, and we haven't discussed movies for ages!

Moonchild, when are you going to post in the thread about interesting deformities, and tell them how inappropriate that is?...
