The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2484433
Posted By: TheSnail
04-Nov-08 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners

I was aware of the two clubs in Lewes

Ah, put perhaps you missed Vic's post earlier. Hence the "tut, tut." This does sometimes give us problems, especially if booked guests just put "Lewes Folk Club" on their gig lists.

From here amongst the Downs, Crowborough is a bit outlandish and Tunbridge Wells nought but a travellers tale. Someone I met at Tenterden did say that Kent was a bit thin for folk clubs and all that miles-and-miles of Weald between here and there is "Here be Dragons" country. I don't think we are doing that bad in Sussex but nice to hear things are so good around Leicester.