The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2484503
Posted By: mauvepink
04-Nov-08 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
I obviously must have misread a great deal then and, if so, I apologise. But I am not on about elitism at the paying public end. There has to be some sort of standard (though I guess the paying public themselves set it at some point by who they are willing to watch). If I pay good money for a ticket I want the singer(s)/performer)s) to be of a standard. Of course. It is not always guaranteed though obviously.

I also do not seek bookings. I am no-where near good enough to be paid for singing. It could be argued if I was good enough at all to sing at a club.

What I refer to is what seems to be looking down noses at people of a lesser ability or experience. Calling people with little ability names. I am sure I have seen it in this thread but if I imagined it then again I am sorry.

Let us forget the payed for tickets angle. In essence I am saying we all need each other. We should all support each other if we can. Many do (I know because I have had much help and much of it from pro-singers) but name calling does not seem fair, especially on beginners and people learning an instrument. This, of course is only my opinion and belief. I have merely stated it as others have theirs.

Maybe that is wrong too?

I just wish we could all be pulling together morw and I got the impression in this thread we are not as kind as forgiving as maybe some of us could be. If I am wrong to say so then I am indeed sorry. I'll stay off the thread, but keep attending the clubs ;-)
