The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115905 Message #2484561
Posted By: Wesley S
04-Nov-08 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: A.M. Radio talk show whackos
Subject: BS: A.M. Radio talk show whackos
I love to listen to the radio talk show host that I find on my AM radio. If you want bizarre theories – this is the place to find them. One of the strangest is Michael Savage. I started listening to him after he made some comments about autism – he said these kids just need to be told forcefully to shape up and snap out of it.
Just last night on my way home I heard the following in the space of about 15 minutes:
There is a Marxist conspiracy afoot in America. About thirty or forty years ago they infiltrated the Catholic Church with radical gay people. Not regular gay people – radicals. And their job was to destroy from within using the lawsuits that would result from their molestations. That would bankrupt the church both financially and morally.
Obama was chosen almost at birth to complete this Marxist plan. He's not an FDR type of liberal. He plans to take control as a dictator after he's in office. After he assumes control of the media he will start the executions. He'll start with the moderate Democrats and then move onto the conservatives. We can expect about 25 million to be killed. And the go-between is William Ayers. He travels to Havana and Venezuela on a regular basis to carry messages from the Marxists back to Obama.
These folks are serious. As delusional as all of this sounds there are a lot of folks out there that buy into all of this. I listen to these shows with my mouth hanging open. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. But I feel I need to keep in tough with these people to see what the other side is thinking and saying. If Obama gets elected – and I'm pretty sure he will – these folks aren't going to go away. That's the type of thing he'll have to put up with now.
Does anyone else listen to these shows? Do you have any similar theories or stories to share about what these folks are thinking and talking about?