The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115905   Message #2484786
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
04-Nov-08 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: A.M. Radio talk show whackos
Subject: RE: BS: A.M. Radio talk show whackos
" what do we think about Minnesota voters who may elect him, and who already elected a pro wrestler as governor? "

So how did that wrestler work out?

Seriously, I am not saying that people should not vote for Al Franken because of his previous job, but you cannot use an argument that his past does not matter.   Even more importantly, this was not a discussion of political candidates - it was a discusison of "radio talk show whackos". Franken was most assuredly part of that class - his voice just happened to come from the left side of the speaker.

You can be a whacko on the left or the right.