The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2485069
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
04-Nov-08 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
I'm back:-)

You don't spoil the fun at all, Bryan. A minor irritaion, nothing more.

1) We don't have a 'policy' to deal with poor performers. I am only saying that is how I handle things myself. Our club is not run by committee, just two organisers. If we did though why are you critisising the 'policy' of another club when a) You believe it doesn't matter, b) It 'rarely happens' and c) It does not affect you at all.

2) About 80% of your post answering my question is about what Jim says or does. Jim is perfectly capable of arguing with me for himself and has done so on numerous occasons. Can you not answer for yourself?

3) You said earlier I just don't think you are doing what you claim to be doing. That is accusing me of lying. I do not lie and insist that you retract that statement immediately. I am not arguing 'because I am bored', as you say you are. I have never misrepresented anything I have done in real life and I resent the implication that I have.

4) You say - Alternatively, I could just be marking time while I wait for Jim Carroll to admit that I did not misrepresent him Maybe I am waiting for you to admit that I did not misrepresent you, as you suggested earlier on in the thread? When I took you to task on this you did nothing to deny it but just dismissed it with nothing but a churlish 'whatever'.

Now, will you accept that people can have a different viewpoint to you AND tell the truth or will you continue to perpetuate this lible against me?