The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22735   Message #248528
Posted By: SINSULL
28-Jun-00 - 11:43 AM
Re: flattop's I'd like to apoligize to anyone who hasn't been offended by this thread. Sorry if we made you feel left out.

I accept your apology.
I am an atheist. I respect others' beliefs. I admire those willing to to stand up for their beliefs.

I abhor anyone who dares to commit crimes against others in the name of their "God".

Praise is a very brave and admirable lady (I hope she's female. I've already had to apologize for that mistake) not just for posting this thread but for declaring her Christianity without fear of ridicule, criticism, etc. at a time when it is not popular. I have never felt that she is on a recruitment drive or shoving her beliefs down my throat. She celebrates her faith as I celebrate life.
Although I understand her reason for apologizing, I have to say that she of all people does not owe this particular apology.

Praise, play your music, sing your songs, and continue inspiring us all.