The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2485331
Posted By: Jim Carroll
05-Nov-08 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
"If you have written into your policy that the criterion for being allowed to sing is wanting to do so - yes, you are, if not championing, then certainly promoting bad singing."
If your policy is as stated in the first part of this sentence - by being prepared to put on a singer who cannot hold a tune, cannot remember the words and are incapable of communicating the song to an audience, yes, you are promoting bad singing - explain how you are not.   As far as I'm concerned, no apology needed.
Regarding your 'audition' point - I'll read through the thread when I've woken up fully (late night) and, if I have misread it, will be happy to withdraw my statement and apologise unreservedly.
No, I don't think 'my way' (whatever that is - expecting singers in public to be able to sing maybe?) is the only way. I expect those involved in running the clubs to have the answers. From what I've seen and read and heard - they haven't found them so far, and judging by the long threads on 'what's wrong with our clubs' I'm not the only one who thinks so.
Pete the Hat
How about offering help to improve their singing before they have to face an audience -0 and an audience has to face them - as we always did with our workshops when we were helping run clubs.
Re being 'judgmental' - can't really be bothered repeating what I said earlier on this thread, especially if you can't be bothered reading it before you comment on my opinions.
By the way, I don't sing any more and I made no great claim on my singing when I did - I'm not a bad listener though.
Jim Carroll