The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2485424
Posted By: TheSnail
05-Nov-08 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
It's a matter of pots and kettles Dave. If you can't take it, don't give it out.

Will you also now acknowledge that I have not misrepresented you in this thread,

No, because you did in ways I have already described. Read the thread.

Now, onto your accusation that I have lied.

A lie is a deliberate untruth. I don't believe for a moment that you have been deliberately untruthful. You have, however, been inconsistent in your description of your policy and how you put it into practice. I am not the only person to have said so. I hoped that, by drawing attention to the fact, I could persuade you to clarify the situation.

I have nothing but admiration and respect for the excellent work you do at Swinton. I am just a little surprised that when the folk club scene comes under attack and I rise to its defence you seem to turn on me.