The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115905 Message #2485684
Posted By: Donuel
05-Nov-08 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: A.M. Radio talk show whackos
Subject: RE: BS: A.M. Radio talk show whackos
A glib angry idiot finds job security by whiping up a crowd with strong emotions and fabricated facts.
Screaming a warning cry among any particular speicies will cause alarm. When the threats prove to be consistantly false those warning cries are gradually ignored.
The glib idiot waits for circumstances when any anger can be subverted to the advantage of his fear mongering techniques for his emplyer.
The best defense is to characterize the "Savage Rush to Inhanity" as a very sad example of people who live only for fear while thier personal lives are nearly always pathetic examples of a cycle of abuse and selfishness.