The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115812   Message #2485871
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Nov-08 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Election fraud
Subject: RE: BS: Election fraud
I understand your position on that.

The whole world, however, is deeply concerned about American elections...all of them...because the USA is a power that directly affects the whole world. Therefore Canadians and other people all over the world always pay a great deal of attention to an American election, and they have views about it, and they have definite hopes as to who might win it, and they usually know quite a bit about it. Our media is full of stuff about your elections...right from the start and all the way to the end.

This is not the case with Canadian elections, and no one would expect it to be. No one is normally interested in Canadian elections except Canadians! No one else's media would give it more than brief passing mention on the day of the vote, if they mentioned it at all. ;-) We're just not powerful enough that anyone else really cares whom we elect. We are not seen as a potential threat...or a potential major player in other people's affairs.

The fact that you live in the most militarily and politically powerful country in the world, Sawzaw, makes your governmental business everybody's business...not because they wanted it that way, but because there is simply no way they can avoid it.

We have no choice but to be concerned whom you elect and what your government decides to do in the next 4 years.