The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2486376
Posted By: mandotim
06-Nov-08 - 05:56 AM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Dear WalkaboutsVerse of Australia; regarding the comment 'I'll go to Buxton'. You state 'Believe it or not Mandotim of Lancashire, I have heard it from a few elderly folk from thereabouts...besides, our Pip just used it!'
Well, since you're giving me the option, no, I don't believe it, I think you've just made it up. It doesn't correspond with my observation of life in Lancashire over the past fifty years or so. How long did you live in Lancashire, exactly? I would need an authoritative source, preferably an academic study, before even considering your assertion. I'd also like to know which Lancashire dialect you are referring to, as there are many, each with their own idioms.
The reason for this distrust is your long and undistinguished track record of unsubstantiated assertions, almost all of which have been conclusively demonstrated to be both academically worthless and just plain wrong. Try building some credibility, then people might just listen to what you have to say.
I'm beginning to wonder whether you are an Australian; most Australians (and English people) are ok with irony. Pip was being ironic. Are you sure you're not American? You're certainly not English.