The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22735   Message #248909
Posted By: bob jr
28-Jun-00 - 10:49 PM
message to john freeman

sorry to tell you this sport but the historical accuracy of john 3:16 is according to serious biblical scholarship(not fundamentalist propaganda) is a big fat zero . if you read the synoptic gospels (mathew luke and mark)and compare them with john you find two very different pictures of Jesus but which one is accurate? well three to one for one tells you that the acitve decisive "i am the messiah" of john is way out of line with the meek and "dont be calling me the messiah" of mathew luke and mark plus the historically earlier gospel of thomas.....the good people of the Jesus seminar make compelling arguements as to why john is the least reliable gospel but i suggest you do your own research on it and before you start answering me back with fundamentalist rhetoeric i have my masters in theology so i know where you are gonna go ....but as one of my profs once told me "dont set sail in a boat if i cant stand up in rough water"