The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2489312
Posted By: Don Firth
09-Nov-08 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
David, you characterize me, and everyone else who takes issue with your ideas as "pro-immigrationists." I am neither pro nor anti immigration. Immigration is a fact of life in this world. There is nothing, really, that you or me or anybody else, including the United Nations, can do to stop it, short of a state of global tyranny.

Besides, trying to defend an untenable position by slapping labels on those who disagree with you is often a mark of a bigot. "All you (whatever label you chose). . . ." thereby trying to lump everyone who disagrees with them, no matter how diverse, into one single pigeon-hole.

I suppose, if I were asked to take a stand, I would indeed be "pro-immigration." I see the movement of peoples of different cultures from one place to another as having great potential for cross-cultural enrichment, which is all to the good. Cultures are not static and never have been. They are fluid and ever-changing. You cannot freeze a culture at some point or you will kill it. Also, I would never want to limit the freedom of people of good will to live anywhere in the world that they chose.

And an additional point: I have never yet met a bigot who didn't vociferously deny that he or she was a bigot and were highly offended by the charge. Then, they would proceed to say something beginning with the word "But—" and then prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were, indeed, a bigot.

As you keep doing, over and over again!

Take a good look in a mirror.

Don Firth