The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113211   Message #2489673
Posted By: Ruth Archer
10-Nov-08 - 06:50 AM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
"And do you think the record amount of economic/capitalist immigration under New Labour, during the good economic climate of the last few years, has helped with those just-above statistics, Stu?"

Well, your "re-patriation" certainly hasn't helped, has it? You also haven't responded yet to the following:

"Wavey: anyone who works in a specialist field in the UK needs to be prepared to re-locate to where the work is. My ex-husband, a journalist, was compelled to do this several times, taking wife and child with him. I, too, have had to apply for jobs which take me away from my immediate locality, because of the nature of my profession.

Do you apply for jobs nationally? Are you prepared to re-locate to get yourself off the dole? And you still haven't explained how a "re-patriate" on the dole benefits the indigenous culture more than an immigrant who is paying his way."