The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2489784
Posted By: GUEST,Tom Bliss
10-Nov-08 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
May I make a suggestion Rosie?

How about putting just one main word from each line, nice and large, on a piece of paper, then dropping it discretely to the floor or onto a nearby table?

you'll probably only need one key word if you do dry up, and knowing that the prompt is there if you need it will probably mean you won't need it!

And if you do, a quick glance is unlikely to spoil your flow. But you wont have a paper screen between you and the audience.

Just a thought.


...who is relieved to be given permission not to join in! I always feel everyone assumes I'll know every song ever written, and as guest am expected to help to lead the throng-thringing. Luckily I learned the Patent Garbutt Chorus Gargle at the great man's own knee, so can carry off a silent, note perfect rendition upon first hearing - complete with simultaneous counter-tenor and basso profundo 'hummonies.'