The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113211   Message #2490081
Posted By: Don Firth
10-Nov-08 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
" seem to have about as much respect for Aborigines as Don."

And just where the hell did you get THAT, you weasel?

Never, at any time, have I ever expressed any lack of respect for Indigenous Australians. You, in fact, may be showing disrespect by using the term "Aborigines."

A short time back, on a thread about recently seen movies, I mentioned a movie that I enjoyed entitled "Quigley Down Under." Without going into detail about the movie (look it up if you're interested), in the course of my review, I used the term "Aborigines." Shortly thereafter, I read the following:
The word Aboriginal has been in use in English since at least the 17th century and means "first or earliest known, indigenous," (Latin Aborigines, from ab: from, and origo: origin, beginning). Strictly speaking, "Aborigine" is the noun and "Aboriginal" the adjectival form; however the latter is often also employed to stand as a noun. The use of "Aborigine(s)" or "Aboriginal(s)" in this sense, i.e., as a noun, has acquired negative, even derogatory connotations in some sectors of the community, who regard it as insensitive, and even offensive. The more acceptable and correct expression is "Aboriginal Australians" or "Aboriginal people," though even this is sometimes regarded as an expression to be avoided because of its historical associations with colonialism. "Indigenous Australians" has found increasing acceptance, particularly since the 1980s.
Unaware of this at the time I originally posted on the movie thread, I posted again and explained that I was, indeed, unaware of the possibly pejorative nature of the term and I duly apologized if I had inadvertently offended anyone.

David Franks, among being many other distinctly unadmirable things, you are also a liar!

Don Firth