The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22735   Message #249056
Posted By: keltcgrasshoppper
29-Jun-00 - 07:03 AM
Having read some but not all of this thread, I would like to only say this. Looking back on some of the other NONmusic threads, it is clear to me that most of the people who post in this site have caring hearts. Jesus remember, associated with the poorest of the poor, the tax collectors, the lepers, the fallen women.. These were his friends. He cared for them. I have always asked "what is a Christian ?" When you here the defination stated by the so called LEADERS none of us would come close. But I think anyone who is a caring, doing person, is also a GOD serving person, and that is what we are called to do, to serve and care for our fellow humans. Praise, I have always felt that your heart is pure and caring, no apology necessary. KGH