The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2490628
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
11-Nov-08 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
I always think folkies have a broader outlook on life than many people, and tend to embrace multiculturalism and enjoy the benefits of living in a rich and diverse society. We understand that even the divisions within to our own peoples here on these Islands are the result of ignorance, laziness and intolerance. However tens of thousands, possibly millions of people in this country don't see it that way and maintain the sort of opinions that perpetuate old animosities and misunderstandings that should have been put to bed a long time ago

To paraphrase a certain Captain Willard: Oh man, the shit piled up so fast on Mudcat you needed wings to stay above it.