The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2491019
Posted By: jimslass
11-Nov-08 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
Dear Sleepy Rosie, forgive the Arrgghhhh! on your first posting, it was actually, Tom, said with a bit of tongue in cheek, but certainly not meant to upset you Rosie. I DID say, mind you that it wasn't a go at bad spellers (I can't count) nor poor grammarians, this 'myself' business is just a sloppy usage that has crept in VERY recently, and I'm very very sorry to presume, on Mudcat, to air a pet peeve - realise it goes against the grain here (ahem!)

Will promise to be all sweetness and light in future....That's if you'll have me back.

Have I grovelled enough?

But seriously, sorry, Rosie.