The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2491895
Posted By: romany man
12-Nov-08 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
i have refrained from putting a comment on for so long now, and those that know me know i dont suffer in silence for long, sadly it has come to the point that perhaps an outside view is due, from what ive read, this thread is getting to become the usual "oh im a folkie of long standing and i am right" well sorry, folk music is for all people not just a certain clique of people, ive read about manners , the mentally ill going to you hallowed clubs, and the views there of, please people, get real, you aint special, folk music aint the be all and end all, how long before you cant come to our club unless you got a beard or arrun sweater, or can sit motionless and silently for hours whilst some demegod performs,
why is it that folkie think they are so special, sorry none of us are, in the great scheme of things, there are more important things going on than worrying about who says what, plays what, or how they play or sing, you are supposed to be enjoying your hobby not forcing a general missguided rule on others, if things were as special as you all think it is, then hey everyone would be enjoying folk music, but tastes differ, me personally i cant stand some of the dirge ridden singaround perfomances, however some people do like it , fine thats great, but ive been to concerts and major venues where people walk about , sing along, clap hands , dance, smile , oh and of course drink, but hey folk clubs seem to be the total opposite, with "come in sit down dont move dont smile dont do nothing", sorry thats not for me and many many others i know, now thats my personal view, if it is not to your taste , sorry, but as has been said before everyone has a view.