The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116135   Message #2491903
Posted By: GUEST,Tom Bliss
12-Nov-08 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: From Max: Mudcat Update
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Update
Sorry Kat, I meant to pick up on your warts and all comment.

Are you in the US or UK or somewhere else?

Warts and all is all very well, but when it comes to bullying it's not good enough, and that's just a gradual and welcome cultural change we're going through in this country anyway.

I think the Mudcat philosophy is a wonderful thing, but could there not come a time when this site's influence could reach a point where its power and visibility might demand a slightly more responsible approach?

In the UK, anyway, we have a massive challenge trying to drill some holes in the silo to let this wonderful music flow back into the streams where it belongs. That's a task that artists, promoters, singers, players, writers, club committees, folk organisations and webmasters all face. As Joe will confirm, there have been times when I've started to worry that we, here, could become part of the problem rather part of the solution.

I'm looking ahead, now - not sniping. But as Max has accidentally given me this platform I can't help raising it, because I do think it's really important.

Sorry and all that
