The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2491905
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
12-Nov-08 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Thanks for the kind words, Will - by way of explanation... I'm indebted to the Third Ear Band for invigorating my latent musical sensibilities in early adolescence and continuing to do so to this day. What this means is droning rhythmic repetition with improvised melodic lines referencing both atonality and medieval modality, and all points in between! Thus - Tertius Auris...

Being without my 8-track right now, I recorded the sopranino live into my Zoom H4 (along with a large Indian (?) cowbell and Shruti box drone) and then processed it using Ableton Live (3) in various layers along with a drum loop (recorded for me some years back by Sned from Generic) and a suitable soft-synth bass line, itself derived from the recorder improvisation. The beauty of Ableton is, is that once all the bits are in place, you're working in real-time, applying the various FX, filters & distortions (and vinyl scratches!) as an intuitive / spontaneous / organic extension of the process.