The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22710   Message #249209
Posted By: wysiwyg
29-Jun-00 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 30
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 30
Hmmmm..... I must need to go see the doctor.... I keep seeing the Vaclaw Raccoon character producing the droppings for the contest.... I can't quite wrap my mind around it to get a song started.... the time curtain is torn.... all the past song challenges blending, trying to make a single song..... Mmario, Mmario, jump in after me, I'm going dowwwwwnnnnnnnn...........


There is the song now! So simple! Tres elegant!

Heh heh heh.... think I'll keep it to myself!

PLIP! (Waking) Whew!!! Wotta weird dream! I can still hear the strange instruments fading out.... aw crap, it's just my pager going off!
