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Thread #116165   Message #2492307
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Nov-08 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin quotes are a hoax
Subject: RE: BS: Palin quotes are a hoax
Oh, I'm not saying McCain and Palin and people in their campaign didn't engage in some very slimy smears against Obama. They did indeed. They did so blatantly.

However, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. It's equally nasty regardless which side of the line it's on, agreed?

What I am questioning here is the self-righteous puffing of people who get really angry about these bad things other people do...but who are quite eager and enthusiastic in doing (or supporting) those same type of bad things themselves whenever it happens to suit their own political agenda.

There's a word for that. I think you know what it is.

In responding aggressively to false accusations, Palin is not showing she has a thin skin...she's showing that she is forthright in defending herself, which is a useful characteristic when you're in politics.

By the way, I think she'd make a terrible president! Just so you don't entirely misconstrue the point I am making here... ;-)

My point here isn't regarding Sarah Palin herself. My point is regarding people in general, and the nastiness and self-serving hypocrisy of partisan politics in particular.