The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116165   Message #2493378
Posted By: Ron Davies
13-Nov-08 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin quotes are a hoax
Subject: RE: BS: Palin quotes are a hoax
I suspect the business about Africa is just her sloppy thinking--to go with her sloppy way of expressing herself. She probably said Africa, meaning the country South Africa, and had to be counseled to at least try to be more precise.

There's no need to make up lies about her--she's condemned by her own words quite well. And, as far as the shopping spree is concerned, she didn't try tremendously hard--which would fit her "maverick" image--to say "Get thee behind me, Neiman Marcus".

Obama, on the other hand, is quite precise in his speaking--a huge, and welcome change from GWB.

And as far as the lies about him, it would have helped if McCain had denied straight out--more than once--that Obama was a Moslem.   It should have been brought out strongly at the debates.

Rather than as Sarah--back to her--did--encouraging her audiences to believe anything about Obama--including that he really was a terrorist sympathizer.

She deserves everything she gets in criticism--she's earned it.

But, as I've said before, more power to her--if she learns nothing, changes nothing, and winds up the GOP standard-bearer in 2012, she will split the Republican party--again--and ensure Obama's re-election.