The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116225   Message #2494616
Posted By: Nancy King
15-Nov-08 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly
I've thought for a long time that Dolly Parton is one of the best songwriters around. My favorites are "To Daddy" and "Old Flames,"
though there are many other great ones as well. She really has a flair for getting to the heart of an idea and using words to express it brilliantly. And I love the way she uses her voice, as in "There's More Where That Came From."

She's smart and funny and self-deprecating. When Jay Leno or one of those guys asked her how long it took her to do her hair like that, she answered brightly, "I don't know. I'm never there!"

Long live Dolly!
