The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2494752
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Nov-08 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
Leveller: sorry, didn't want this to spoil my evening.
Are you seriously suggesting that it is now unnecessary and 'too exacting' to expect a singer to be able to sing?
Dictionary definition (unless it's another of those words that has undergone Wikipeadia treatment).
"Amateur - a person who engages in any art, science, study or sporting activity as a pastime rather than a profession". No mention of 'fun' or taking things seriously - sorry.
I'm assuming that your posting wasn't facetious so - here goes.
Thank you for your additions to the growing list of things that people haven't said - I suppose if we get enough of them we might just get round to taking them seriously, as it is, sorry, no cigar. Singing in tune and remembering words seem to me to be a fairly essential ingredient to being a singer - might be expecting too much - but that's me!!!
A lot of people tried your method and didn't go back - hence the steep decline in attendances - the discussion is towards helping to halt that decline and getting our music some respect (and who knows, maybe even a little self-respect), so if you have any suggestions to this end - please make them.
Now, off to see if our local musicians (all amateurs) can actually play - fingers crossed!!!
Jim Carroll