The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115793   Message #2495592
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Nov-08 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering November; sustain momentum
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering November; sustain momentum
The freezer looks great, I have good leftovers for a few days, and I finished a kind of fussy listing on eBay. I had to take a lot of measurements to list that suit my Mom had made in China, since it didn't have a label or a size on it. And--fanfare please--after about 10 years of looking I found another Norwegian Nisse troll. I have one that Mom sent me probably 20 or 25 years ago.

Now before you get concerned, you're correct. Trolls are nasty pieces of work. But this isn't just ANY troll.

A Nisse Troll is about the ONLY decent troll there is around, but they're very shy. I'm sure they date back to pre-christian times in Norway, and their job is to find a place to hide but where they can still see the tree to guard it. Every year we enjoy finding some little nook or cranny, sometimes in a bookcase in the next room or down the hall, so she can see the tree or the gift area. And since I have two children, you can see the dilemma. I've been looking off and on, and yesterday when researching some Scandinavian things I'll be listing I just thought 'what the heck' and typed in Nisse Troll. Someone in Dallas had four from the same Norwegian company as mine, male and female, the same style. We like the look of the female better, since her hat hides her doll hair follicles and she looks more lifelike. For a troll. All four had at least one bid, one doll had three. I bid on one and got it for 50 cents over the listing price, so I guess the other bidder thought there wasn't much interest.

So--it was a good weekend.