The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113211   Message #2497160
Posted By: mandotim
18-Nov-08 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Hi LH; you may well have a point about the 'swarming' behaviour; but could it be that such swarming is not necessarily malicious nor ill-intentioned? Reasding a few of Don's posts, among others, I can see a lot of genuine attempts to help WAV to understand the gross illogicalities of his positions and also the reasons why he tends to piss people off. This isn't malice in my book; the guy has no job, and if his on-line persona is anything to go by, some fairly big barriers preventing him getting one. If he were to listen and learn, at least some parts of his life might improve (hopefully including his playing, singing and poetry). If he was engaged in a dangerous activity which threatened his life, would we all still be 'swarming' if all of us exhorted him not to do it?
What seems to draw the indignation and occasional abuse seems to be when WAV (either deliberately or in genuine ignorance) refuses to engage with the substance of what is being offered, instead falling back on tired mantras from his website or obtuse interpretations of ill-researched ideas. When people have taken the time and trouble to try to help, it is infuriating to have their efforts treated with such disdain and sometimes outright rudeness.
I'm with Don on one thing in particular; the neo-Nazi National Front are gaining ground in my country, as in others across Europe. The far-right, racist British National Party are beginning to win seats in local elections. WAV's views are shared by these people, and they tend to trawl the web for anything that supports their twisted ideologies. Don't be surprised to see WAV quoted in their propaganda as a source of support. If we learned anything from the rise of Nazism, surely it was 'nip it in the bud'? It's overstating the case to suggest that WAV is a major player in the advance of neo-Nazi ideologies; but the principle here is to address these ideas in any available forum, and expose them for what they are.
This forum is largely democratic in nature; what we have here is the equivalent of a landslide; individual choice is exercised, and we have one vote for WAV, and virtually all the other votes against. We would accept that as a valid election result, so why not here?