The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2499140
Posted By: Sleepy Rosie
21-Nov-08 - 04:16 AM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Hey it might not be the best I've heard, but it'd be absolutely perfect as a Christmas slasher-movie, pro-mo soundtrack!

Picture this: it's a classic American Dickensian consumerist fantasy scene.

Nice drunken slo-mo, of some Father Christmas masked psycho (of course no-body but us viewers realise he's very obviously a psycho). That jolly Santa mask...? But... it's somehow too joyful! And of course that mysterious haunting Christmas music...
Somehow, we just 'sense' something isn't quite right with this scene!

Glass is shattered, blood curdling screams are heard, and bright red blood gushes over virgin white snow.

"Santas back, Ho ho ho....
Have you been a good little girl this year?"