The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116385   Message #2499808
Posted By: Genie
22-Nov-08 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: One turkey pardons another? YouTube
Subject: RE: BS: One turkey pardons another? YouTube
TIA, I think you've got it nailed!
(Palin still reminds me of those students -- of which I was from time to time one and at other times the professor whose papers was grading -- who haven't been to class or read the text but still try to BS their way through term papers and essay exams.)

Little Hawk [PEDANT ALERT], excesses need to be "reined in." Monarchs are "reigned in" (or out?)." *g* Aside from that, I think you've got it nailed:

[[LH: "the conservative movement in the USA ... is secretly devoted to one thing: enabling very rich people to become even richer at the expence of everyone else in society.

CEOs used to earn average 22 times what a line worker earned a few decades ago. They now earn average 400 times what a line worker earns. This is what has been accomplished by deregulation and "[reining] in government." The so-called "trickle-down" theory was a big fat lie.

Most people who vote for conservative politicians have themselves been badly hurt by the policies of the very people they voted for, but they just don't get it, because they believe the standard rhetoric and have no idea where their money is really going.]]

Pedantry aside, I do find it odd - maybe even slightly amusing - that while over half the country is begging for government "bailouts" for (loans to) failing industries and financial institutions to ward of another Great Depression, Ms. Sarah persists, before her turkey-slaughter backdrop, with the Let's-get-government-out-of-the-way-so-business-can-operate-freely mantra.

I still haven't decided whether Sister Sarah is totally devoid of any consistent political philosophy (just saying whatever she thinks has appeal at the moment) or is truly devoted to a right-wing Christian extremist ("end-times") and Reaganomics )"trickle-down") ideology.

Either way, it's scary.   

At least when we stop laughing.