The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113211   Message #2500301
Posted By: Phil Edwards
22-Nov-08 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
racist - someone who hates other people merely because of what racial type they belong to.

No. Here's the Oxford English Dictionary definition of racism (again):

"The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. Hence: prejudice and antagonism towards people of other races, especially those felt to be a threat to one's cultural or racial integrity or economic well-being; the expression of such prejudice in words or actions. Also occasionally in extended use, with reference to people of other nationalities."

Look at the part after 'Hence'. WAV doesn't hate people from other cultures - nobody's ever said he does. He just believes they pose a threat to English culture and wants to discriminate against them, by stopping them coming here.

As I've said before, we don't say he's a racist because we believe immigration can never be questioned; we say he's a racist because he questions immigration on racist grounds. Earlier on today, I asked him:

what would your response be if a million English expats immigrated from Canada or Australia or Spain? Would you question their immigration? If not, why not?

He replied: "an expat, in your above example, would be repatriating NOT emigrating"

Now, if a million Canadian expats arrived in England tomorrow, they'd cause a lot of social upheaval. They'd want to work, which would tend to drive wages down; they'd need somewhere to live, which would tend to make housing that bit harder to find; and they'd want to stay healthy, which would mean that doctors' waiting lists got longer. Anyone who 'questioned immigration' on economic or political grounds would question it just the same in the case of returning expats - because, in economic and political terms, returning expats have exactly the same effect as new immigrants. But, in WAV-world, a million English-born incomers wouldn't even qualify as immigration.

Let's try a different example. According to the 2001 Census, there are 400,000 British citizens who give their ethnicity as Indian and their religion as Muslim or Sikh. Let's say that about half of them were born in Britain (almost certainly an underestimate). Let's suppose that half of those people get tired of living in Britain and emigrate to India, land of their forefathers. Ten or twenty years down the line, let's suppose that there's a massive revival in Hindu fundamentalism in India; suddenly it's a bad place to be a Muslim or a Sikh. Our 100,000 British-born Indian Sikhs and Muslims dust off their British passports, pack their bags and get the next plane for tolerant old England.

So, WAV: what would your response be if 100,000 British-born Indian Sikhs and Muslims immigrated to England? Would you question their immigration?