The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15148   Message #2500584
Posted By: GUEST,Big Tim
23-Nov-08 - 05:50 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Baron o' Brackley (3)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Baron o' Brackley (3)
I've dug out the Hall/McG recording and yes, for whatever reasons, they use the title 'Inverey', a small place just west of Brackley (Ballater). They also say 'Glentower', should be Glentanar. Having made these small crits, I must say I love their recording, and yes it was Robin singing. Their version dates from 1962, MacColl's from 1964 and an excellent version from Owen Hand in 1966.

Jamieson's book is available in facsimile form for about 20 GBP.

Below is a glossary for his version. It's my own, compiled from a Scots dictionary, so hope it's accurate.

Glossary. baron, title for freehold estate owner. gar, cause, make. rin, run. gang, go. yetts, gates. ae, one. wae, woe. kye, cattle. buskit, dressed up. close, enclosure, courtyard. ava, at all. ben, inner room of the house. bann, curse. rivin', tearing. oor, hour. gin, if. nourice, nurse.

What a helluva song!