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Thread #116166   Message #2501806
Posted By: VirginiaTam
26-Nov-08 - 02:30 AM
Thread Name: Odetta hospitalized (Nov 2008)
Subject: RE: Odetta hospitalized (Nov 2008)
snip from article (link above) "Odetta is a legendary figure who is almost unknown to the masses of the American people."

That bit of information would boggle my mind had I not discovered her spine tingling talent through this thread. The power of her delivery shakes me to the core.

How she has simultaneously remained obscure to the masses and yet so prolific is a wonder. Aside from singing out against the obvious capitalist conventions that work to keep black Americans in a state of poverty and vulnerability, she has honed in on powerful capitalist lobbies.

second snip "Odetta also addressed the health issue and pointed out that health is a social /political matter. "

This surely would make her unpopular with medical care, health insurance and pharmeceuticals lobbies. They likely would pull endorsement from media companies and make harumphing noises at any organisations they funded. Perhaps she is not touted on many talk shows or endorsed by charities for fear of losing backing.

Well God bless her and thank god for this forum where a few more of us clueless can learn of her.