The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2501839
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
26-Nov-08 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
Well, like I said Jim, Yes and No. Our 'residents' do turn up every week regardless of whether it is a guest night or a singers night and those residents are all good enough to put on anywhere and anytime. I would add that a very high proportion of our guests do come along on singers nights and other guest nights as well! There are also about 4 residents who regularly (one a year) feature as guests. So I have no issue at all with the quality of our residents.

The issue is not residents. Never has been and this is the first time, I think, that resients have been mentioned. The non-improving performers are exclusively with the people who only regularly turn up on singers nights. They are not residents and nothing I have ever said, either here or to them, would make them anything other than regular floor singers. And, as I said yesterday, not too regular at the moment! Maybe I don't need to worry about them any more?

Maybe we need to redefine what class of poor performer we are talking about? I would agree with you completely on the score that 'residents' do need to be a good standard but I believe we may be using two different definitions of resident. I will start with mine. It includes only those who care for the club. Who turn out week after week in whatever weather, not knowing if they will get a singers spot or not and, most importantly, are ambasadors for Swinton Folk Club whether at home or away!

I know there are factions here who say that if they are not that regular they are not a problem - but they are! Once a month is too often sometimes and every singers night is certainly an overload. I think I understand more what you are getting at now - Those clubs who have poor quality residents running (and ruining!) the show. I have seen one or two in my time as well but, as you say, they have often caused the clubs to close. Blessing in disguise perhaps?

Does that make things any clearer or does it cloud the issue further still?

