The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110186   Message #2501931
Posted By: GUEST,Comrac
26-Nov-08 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shannon kidnap a con-trick?
Subject: RE: BS: Shannon kidnap a con-trick?
Yet again the country has been taken in by lies and a cover up concerning a missing child. From day one it was clear this lot were crackpots. The night the child went missing they were on the news standing holding camcorders recording the police officers guarding their home and standing at the window holding cans of lager up to the cameras. They lived off the state and openly boasted about it to reporters listing all the benefits they were on. The childs step father was later charged as a kiddie fiddler. The only difference in this case and the McCann´s is this lot were out to make money and hadn´t a brain cell between them.

I still have doubts about the McCann case.How the hell could you go out for the evening to party and leave young kids alone ? If that was the holiday they wanted, leave the kids at home with granny.

I see today in the paper some guy in England got life in prison yesterday for raping his daughters and two of them had kids to him.

I sometimes wonder if there is a God, how the hell can adults be so cruel to kids. We who are lucky to have them see them grow up so quick and reflect on those years with joy and pride.