The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2502317
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Nov-08 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
"Jim, you had, once again, accused me of promoting crap standards. I was pointing out that you have absolutely no idea what the standard of performance is at the Lewes Arms so you have no evidence for your accusation."
You seem to be working to the Joe Goebbels philosophy - if you repeat a lie enough it becomes true.
I have NEVER at any time commented on the standard of performance at the Lewes Arms, nor would I.
I, and the others who have participated in this discussion have reacted to your statement that all it takes is the desire to sing to be given a floor spot PERIOD.
You said it - it's crass as far as I'm concerned.
Richard said it (and at least had the bottle to articulate support for dumbing down) - it's crass.
If Pope John II had said it, it's still crass - end of story.
A comment on the statement, not on your club, which, according to you, does not get non-singers asking to sing.
"I can find nothing in your post of 19 Nov 08 - 05:47 which seems to be a question for me to answer."
Sorry, Bryan, not questions but general comments, some of which were directed to your statements - feel free to respond or not - as the case may be.
"Your basic assumption seems to be that anybody who wants to sing is incapable of doing so."
No it isn't, never has been, nor ever will be. I have constantly said that anybody can sing - as long as they put the work in; I expect that, in respect to the club, the audience, the music and themselves, they should have put sufficient work in to bring their singing up to a basic standard before, not during their appearance before an audience - you believe this to be unnecessary - that's why your non-standards are crass.
Wanting to be anything, pastry chef, mountaineer, singer requires that you train beforehand - otherwise you burn the cakes, break your neck or piss the audience off so they don't come back.
" re. singers who couldn't sing - They don't. We don't. Sorry if that doesn't suit your world view."
Then stop telling the rest of us that we should put up with what you don't have to - once again I ask - do you believe those of us who claim to have experienced the phenomenon are telling porkies??? If you do believe us - do you still propose that we should continue to let them practice in public till they get it right (or don't get it right, as the case may be?)
"floor singers are part of the audience;"
Here you appear to putting the onus of what goes on at the club directly on to the audience - do you take no responsibility for what goes on? Do the audience decide your guest policy by a show of hands - evasive bullshit!!!
"the responsibility for the standard of performance ultimately depends on the performer"
YES IT BLOODY IS -THAT'S WHAT WE'RE SAYING; but it's up to the club organisers to ascertain that they have met their end of the bargain before they become regulars by doing the work to reach a basic standard - otherwise you are conning your audience, selling the music short and allowing your singer to run the risk of humiliating him/herself publicly.
seems like a good set-up you have there - would that it was repeated a thousandfold - sounds like you don't need too many guests.
'GUEST,Father Knew Lloyd George'
Crib sheets, Plaisir d'amour, Singing Together - thanks for the warning - which part of Chorlton in case I'm ever tempted to go?
Apologies again - another senior moment. I am well aware that there are two clubs in Lewes and that Bryan is involved in The Lewes Arms and you are at The Royal Oak - my remarks are aimed at Bryan, not you and your club.
Jim Carroll