The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22846   Message #250236
Posted By: Jon Freeman
01-Jul-00 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: Women's HearMe?
Subject: RE: Women's HearMe?
Harpy, could I suggest that if my hearme page is to be used for a slightly more exclusive than usual purpose, that the make a room option is used rather than the usual song circle room as that would allow others to play in an open song circle at the same time as your event if they wished to.

To do this all that is required is to notify people of the chosen room name eg women and for those wishing to participate to click on the button where it says "make a room", change "Enter a room name" to the chosen name and click on the link below.

I have said this before but this feature can be used by anyone to create a temporary private (or reasonably - nothing on the internet is guaranteed) room for what ever purpose is required. All that is needed is for the participants to agree on a room name.
