The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116477   Message #2502891
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
27-Nov-08 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thanksgiving historical corrections (USA)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanksgiving historical corrections (USA)
Happy Thanksgiving, Kendall. The Levitican may never have heard of a lobster 'per se', but what animals are or are not kosher are not actually named. Rather they are described, by type of animal and/or (digestive) behavior.

So as to meat, only those animals with split hooves which chew their cud are kosher, leaving out pigs, horses, dogs and cats, etc. Also only certain parts of the animal are considered kosher, as well as how they are killed and prepared. As to marine life, only those creatures that have scales and are not bottom feeders are kosher. While there were perhaps no lobsters, I'm certain that there were and are various other forms of crustaceans in the area.

Leviticus thus allows for determining the kosherness of new species that truly were not known then. I'm going to chk with the Rabbi to see if cloned animals are or will be considered kosher.

BTW, "Kosher" translates as 'ritually fitting or proper', and can apply to things other than foods. Also, there are varying levels of kosher, depending on one's level of observance; I call it being 'more kosher than thou.'