The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115793   Message #2503156
Posted By: LilyFestre
27-Nov-08 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering November; sustain momentum
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering November; sustain momentum
Just finished packing up 9 bags of clothes that are far too large for me these days. I've had them sitting on top of my hope chest in our bedroom for over a year now. The pile is so high that it blocked sunlight from one of the windows. Now the clothes are all packed up and will be given to a favorite charity tomorrow. Having actually having to look for these sized clothing, I know they are hard to find and I remember how excited I would get to find them at Sal's or other places. I'm hoping that same excitement I experienced in finding many of the things I have bagged up, will be passed on to someone else. There are even brand new things packed up in there, price tags still on them, but if they don't fit, they don't fit, right? They are no longer of use to me. It feels good to get that all out of the way. I also packed up 2 bag fulls of shoes. It seems that as I have moved down the scale, my feet have gotten smaller. Man, this feels good.

Antiques to be unpacked in a bit.

Michelle :)