The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116477   Message #2503448
Posted By: Bobert
28-Nov-08 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thanksgiving historical corrections (USA)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanksgiving historical corrections (USA)
Speakin' of lobsters, I was talkin' with my poor brother yesterday and seems he's tryin' to become "Steve the Lobster Man" down in Northern Virginia... He mety this guy from Nova Scotia who is a lobster-er (if that's a word???) and anyway now my brother has this little step van with "Lobsters" painted on the side in a nursery parking lot in Loudoun County...

He says the Novia Scotia lobsters is better than the Maine one's 'casue they have a harder shell??? I donno huthin' much about the critters myself... But what I do know is that there ain't no lobsters in the first Thanksgiving piccure in this History book...
