The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116571   Message #2504045
Posted By: Teribus
29-Nov-08 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Opium from Afghanistan
Subject: RE: BS: Opium from Afghanistan
The Afghan farmers who grow the poppies get very little for their crop. The money is made by those who collect and refine it, then sell it on.

In Afghanistan the farmers would make far better money growing crops that people could actually eat. Hence the importance of the Kajiki Dam. Get that fixed and the third turbine running and 1.8 million Afghan homes, villages and farms get electricity and the percentage of land served by irrigation systems increases dramatically. A marked improvement to peoples lives that the Taleban want stopped at all cost.

Riginslinger following your plan what happens to the number of "users" now that it is both cheap and legal - does that number go up or down? Who then caters for the existing customers if the number of those growing it drops? If the number of those growing it and refining it drops then supply declines and prices must go up. Far, far too many contradictions.